Is larger (PPC) better? Size matters, but... the #G+ strategy
After winding down from what still feels novel but is actually BAU (business as usual) for me today, I read an article which includes this passage: In testing for the ads, Google mentioned clickthrough rates were significantly higher than the previous 2/3 line sitelinks. One would argue that is hardly surprising givent he[sic] real estate that these new ads take up, and that in itself presents more interesting scenarios to SEO’s[sic] who are already under pressure with many of the changes Google has made to its search results set. Further more[sic] these results bear many similarities to those of the sitelinks already in place within organic search results. More real estate to PPC which this undoubtedly will mean, should mean yet more traction for PPC results, and less visibility on organic results potentially resulting in the following scenario - More advertisers using PPC as organic visibility is being throttled - Competition within both PPC and SEO significantly increasing ...