LanguageWare's robust, extensible Language ID (part 4)
Having introduced the "prior art" approaches of identifying textual language in part 1 and part 3 (to wit: stop word presence and n-gram detection), I can now speak to the patented idea which we implemented as part of LanguageWare , which is a set of Java libraries that offer NLP functionality. Simply put, our solution involves a dictionary that is highly compactible (I may ask a guest blogger from my former team to delve into this aspect), and thus made it possible to store the following types of information: Each entry consists of the following: Term or n-gram Language(s) with which it's associated Whether it can occur as a standalone term, at the beginning of a word, the middle of a word, or the end of a word, or some combination of these, and An integer weighting value (per term/language pairing) Thus, for the Chinese Simplified/Traditional and Japanese disambiguation problem, the Japanese-specific kana (listed as unigrams) were given large positive va...