
Showing posts with the label leadership

Thoughts on moving into People Management

Mid December in 2021 marked six months since I moved from an Individual Contributor role of coordinating Infosec (although mainly electronic rather than paper based data related) Incident Response for my employer, to managing my former peers in the squad I'd been a part of for the prior two years. Since I'd had a 22 year career prior to my arrival in Cybersecurity, I'd had a long time to reflect upon what styles of management I would like to model, especially since I've experienced different styles of management as a practitioner. Generally speaking, the Golden Rule - treating others as I wish to be treated - resonates with me strongest. Being trusted, respected, and given constructive, timely feedback. Allowed to voice my views freely and perceived as a multi faceted individual rather than fitting into some mold of what someone in my role is supposed to be like, or limited by what I've already demonstrated rather than having my potential nurtured. I also hope that ...

Recognizing "wild ducks" in oneself and in the workplace

Congruent, yet independent. A Mallard mother and part of her brood, Stadtpark Pond in Vienna (July 2013) The above photo, of a duck and her ducklings, was one of my (unsuccessful) entries in an intra-organizational contest just last month. Coincidentally, the notion of "treasuring wild ducks", metaphorically speaking, had been one of the subjects covered during my employer's Centennial commemoration. There is a 14 minute video with beautiful animation and story-telling, if you happen to have the time and inclination. As those following my  +Mayo Takeuchi Plus  presence may have realized some years ago, ducks are the most common type of wildfowl that I can readily record, in both still and moving images. This year in particular, the local park has seen a bumper crop of ducklings. Their precocial abilities still manage to impress me: aside from the youngest ones emitting a high pitched, urgent peeping call when they lose sight of their mother, they know how to indep...