
Showing posts with the label nikkei

Thoughts on introversion, extroversion, and related controversies

Try the quiz linked via the graphic, to answer 20 questions all skewed towards extroverts Most of my socal media profiles openly declare my self-identification as an INTJ (estimated to comprise 1-2% of the population, and popularly depicted in fiction as antagonists or anti-heroes). I've tested as such since I was 11, though during my university years I came close to registering as INTp. Of course, Myers-Briggs has had numerous valid detractors , and one criticism is that the dichotomies of I-E etc. are not quantified by the labeling: that is, one cannot tell just how strongly introverted I believe myself to be. And since it's a self-identifying classification, one could easily delude oneself into believing that inclination is manifesting directly into actions, meaning that others may not classify one as belonging to that type at all. Nevertheless, lately there have been quite a bit of confrontation between the two camps, where one normalizes one's preference and m...


数年前に、NLP関係の研究チームに加わって間もなく言われた言葉でした。たしかに日本語が通じるという事を履歴書に示してきたおかげで、幾度も仕事のチャンスが与えられてきた。その「ほとんど」が微妙だけど、まあたしかに完璧な語学力とはほど遠いのは痛いほどわかってもいる。 私はカナダで生まれ育ったので、日本での滞在歴はなんと数週間のみ(ちなみに二週間以上いた期間は3歳になる直前だった)。土曜の午前中に行われる日本語学校へ十年ほど通い、せいぜい中学生レベルくらいの国語を身につけたのだが、主に多量のフィクション(漫画も含む)を読み続ける事、日本にいる親戚との文通、そして父母とは日本語のみで対話していた事があったおかげで今にいたる。 とにかく、「使わなければ無くす」ため、(英語だと"use it or lose it"ですね)定期的に日本語でツィッターやブログを書いて行こうと心がけしてますが、どうぞよろしくお願いします。コメントもいつでも日本語でお気軽に書き込んでください。