
Personal thoughts on Twitter and follower counts

... iff (if and only if) you appreciate my blog! Here I'd like document various thoughts concerning my journey in Twitter, which I joined in 2009. At first, I wasn't convinced that I would enjoy using it. Already feeling overwhelmed by the Information Age, I also noticed a lot of highly public yet personal (read: inappropriate or irrelevant for mass consumption) tweets as well as quite a lot of rude behaviour (ad hominem attacks). At the time of joining I had no Smartphone, and even now I have a severely minimalist data plan, so I don't tweet "on the go". Since I walk to work, checking the twitter stream on my commute is also fairly hazardous (although having said that, when I had a painful bus commute I relied on audio casts and preferred musical recordings stored in my iPod due to the ease with which I succumb to motion sickness.) As of today, mostly due to the aforementioned circumstances, I still only have a handful of tweets. More depressingly, I

5 Writing tips, or a response to "8 Essential Tips to better Content Writing"

Here's the original blog post upon which I'm commenting. (A disclaimer: I've had no interactions with this author save the message I left for him on his blog. I also have no metaphorical axe to grind nor malice with which I'm replying (the apt expression in Japanese would be that I'm not "selling him a fight"). It's simply that I wish to present my critique on the actual 8 listed tips. I certainly agree with his opening paragraph.) Now, my response proper: I believe his 8 tips could be condensed into 5. Moreover, in my world they would be re-ordered as the following: Valuable This merges his "valuable" and "solution" tips, and is related to "relevance" too, in terms of what the audience expects to find on the site, topic-wise. Credible  Using vetted sources for information is an essential part of all academic writing; lend credence to one's own assertions whenever possible online, too. This also touches

Why most bloggers needn't worry about high bounce rates

I was encouraged to read a couple of posts that talked about bounce rates from a web analytics person. In them, he describes several contexts in which high bounce rates should not be construed as being a negative reflection of the quality of the site or content. My own bounce rate is nearing 75% to date. In the web metrics world, bounce rate is defined as when " the visitor leaves a site without visiting any other pages [within the same domain]  before a specified session-timeout occurs. " In the aforementioned blog, the first entry talked about when the page's call to action takes the user to an external page or an advertisement link, and what is most valid for blogs, when the page arrived at is a so-called "destination page". Since most blog designs that I've seen provide the most recent entry content for quick viewing on the root or landing page, people whose blog posts are brief enough to be displayed in their entirety, returning readers only need

American iOS, Android and BlackBerry OS usage mapped

Mashable had an interesting report to show us from July 2011: It occurred to me that the North-East, Mid-West and South/West looked vaguely reminiscent of American political party affiliation data by state, so I found this Wikipedia map of the gubernatorial election results data from 2010 : L egend:    Republican gains    Republican holds    Democratic gains    Democratic holds    Independent win    not contested Well, a slight correlation can be discerned, anyway - California may be favouring Android overall, but Mashable's article did report that there are iOS-heavy cities (to be specific, they were reported as  San Francisco, San Jose, Modesto, Oxnard, Santa Barbara, Chico, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo and Napa). Given my personal history in Massachusetts and the fact that most of my friends (and colleagues) are iPhone owners, one might think I'd also jumped onto the iOS bandwagon. Apple had also been the most popular smartphone manufacturer in Japan. However, wh

A hoax correlation study: IQ scores and browser choice (amended 8th August 2011)

One of the news aggregators that I visit is Mashable, and recently they published the results of a false correlative study of browser use and IQ score , which supposedly used data from 100,000 users (and was run by a Canadian company).  Here's the l ink to the Mashable article . Supposed correlation results from the published hoax: The fictitious study's conclusion was that " “individuals on the lower side of the IQ scale tend to resist a change/upgrade of their browsers.”  Since I blogged about it well before the false nature of the hoax was published, I've decided to keep an amended version up (thanks to Caesar for the comment). My own anecdotal impression had been that on corporate hardware, vestiges of IE6 uses was attributable to bigger bureaucratic organizations, who actually do exhibit tendencies to resist change. Another variable that has historically influenced rates of browser use of course, is factory settings. Microsoft's IE certainly enjoyed year